Dr. med. Mariam Omar
Kurfürstendamm 200
10719 Berlin

+49 30 / 88 67 64 73


The abdominoplasty is a powerful procedure to remove tissue redundancy of your abdomen after weight loss or pregnancy. It is a typical mark of your "afterbabybody". In the "tummy tuck" procedure not only excision of the excessive skin is performed but also a slimmer waist is created in forming and tightening your belly muscles.

Marking in standing position, I suggest wear your favourite slip/bikini pants you plan to wear after surgery to cover your scars.


An incision line along the inguinal region and the pubis, in case of lot of tissue redundancy a vertical incision in the midline is necessary. The belly muscle is tightened with suspension sutures, the suture around the navel is placed on the same level as it was before. In most cases the "tummy tuck" is combined with a liposuction of the hips.

  • Ausfallzeit: 2 days hospital stay, 2-3 weeks off work, compression garment for 6 weeks, suture removal after 14 days postop
  • Dauer: 3h
  • Anästhesie: General anaesthesia.